
5 Questions To Ask Your Team Every Month

Elliott Gibb

As a manager, it's important to regularly check in with your deskless teams to ensure that they are engaged and satisfied with their work. One way to do this is to conduct a monthly pulse check, where you ask a series of questions to gauge the team's overall engagement level.

These five questions can help you to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement, and take steps to keep your team motivated and engaged on the job.

  1. How do you feel about the work you are doing? This open-ended question can provide valuable insights into how your team members feel about their work. Are they feeling challenged and fulfilled, or are they bored and unengaged? This can help you to identify any potential issues and take steps to improve the work experience.
  2. What do you like most about your job? Asking this question can help you to understand what your team members value and enjoy about their work. Are there specific tasks or responsibilities that they find particularly rewarding? Knowing this information can help you to tailor the work experience to better suit their needs and preferences.
  3. What do you find most challenging about your job? This question can help you to identify any obstacles or challenges that your team members are facing. Are there specific tasks or responsibilities that are causing frustration or difficulty? By understanding these challenges, you can take steps to provide support and resources to help your team members overcome them.
  4. Do you have the resources and support you need to do your job effectively? This question can help you to assess whether your team members have the tools, resources, and support they need to do their job well. Are there any gaps or deficiencies that need to be addressed? By providing your team with the right resources and support, you can improve their ability to succeed on the job.
  5. How do you feel about your relationship with your manager and colleagues? Asking this question can provide valuable insights into the dynamics of your team. Are team members feeling supported and respected by their manager and colleagues? Are there any interpersonal issues that need to be addressed? By fostering a positive and supportive team culture, you can improve engagement and productivity.

By regularly conducting pulse checks and asking these questions, you can stay attuned to the needs and concerns of your deskless teams. This can help you to identify any issues and take steps to improve their experience on the job, leading to higher levels of engagement and satisfaction.

You can use Mercu to send out pulse checks to your deskless teams in under 5 minutes. Each pulse check is delivered monthly to the chat apps your teams already use (e.g. Whatsapp), giving you and your teams continuous insights in to how to better engage your teams.

A high-volume hiring experience that your recruiters and candidates will thank you for.

Mercu Hire automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks when hiring frontline staff: Interview scheduling, interview reminders, and candidate questions. All while delivering the most engaging candidate experience available on the market.

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A high-volume hiring experience that your recruiters and candidates will thank you for.

Mercu Hire automates repetitive and time-consuming tasks when hiring frontline staff: Interview scheduling, interview reminders, and candidate questions. All while delivering the most engaging candidate experience available on the market.